Past shows have included “Wheel of Fortune,” and next year, Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio and Pechanga will host live versions of the hit TV program “Dancing With The Stars.”“The Price is Right Live!” gets the crowd going with trivia and historical clips shown on screens that include early moments with host Bob Barker mixed in with current host Drew Carey as they wait for the show to begin. It wasn’t the first time that Pechanga or other Southern California casinos had booked the traveling iteration of America’s longest-running game show on television, but it does mark a trend for casinos incorporating these types of events into their programming. This unwavering joy and excitement wasn’t happening on the casino floor as the result of a jackpot or royal flush, but instead inside a packed theater for a live game show that’s cultivated its fanbase on daytime television for decades.Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula hosted “The Price is Right Live!” on Sunday, Nov.
A crowd of casino patrons cheered together, alternating from jumping up and down to dancing like no one was watching.